And the ork horde is led by the infamous Warlord Gorgutz. Eldar forces follow the guidance of Farseer Macha. Marines are represented by the Blood Ravens chapter, commanded by the legendary Gabriel Angelos. Each army is commanded by a character that old players will recognize from previous Dawn of War games. The game follows the pattern of the other Dawn of War titles, with each of the armies being able to summon up to three elite units that are incredibly powerful compared to the average troops of each army.

Then you will command them through a map to attack and try to achieve your goals. You will build up your base and gather resources to summon all kind of characteristic troops of your respective army or to upgrade them and make them even more powerful. Dawn of War 3 is a real-time strategy title where you will build up your army and try to achieve the objectives assigned on your mission, what usually translates into the complete obliteration of the opposing forces.

A mysterious and incredibly powerful weapon known as The Spear of Khaine has been discovered in the lost planet Acheron and Space Marines, Orks and Eldars converge there to fight and take control of the ancient artifact. The third installment of the Dawn of War series will transport you to the far reaches of the war-ridden galaxy, where you will take command of one of the iconic armies of the Warhammer 40,000 universe.